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Forum » Streaming, TV & Musik » Thread

KunterDunkelBuntes (->)

14.07.2014 23:01

Hier darf kunterdunkelbunt gepostet werden,
nicht nur was Ihr hört, sondern auch das,
was Ihr gerne seht - was Euch bewegt,
begeistert und bereichert –
Musik, Kino-Trailer, Werbe-Clips alt und neu,
Animationen, vertonte Gedichte, YT-Lieblingsfilme –
ob mit oder ohne Ton,
TV-Beiträge, Geräusche, Hörbuchvorschläge usw. usw.
Viel Spaß, Anregung und Entspannung beim Austausch.

Kat Frankie - People

She met you in the driveway
It was so warm
With the neighbours still complaining about the heat
She fell in your way
She broke down and said
I feel loved
But people tell you where to go
I dont know why the revelations bore me
I know I won't go outside
But right then like a rabbit in the yard
I'm aware of the predators the city conceals
I know by their eyes
But Charly don't jump, stay in this world

You lay down in the hallway it was so wide
Like a slowdance with a carpet cheek to cheek
And sensing with the feel and only known to you
Higher ground
But people they tell you where to go
I dont know why they clutch their faithes
Their only defense against the void
But right then like rabbit in the yard
I'm aware of the predators the city conceals
I know by their eyes

But Charly don't jump, stay in this world
Charly don't jump, there's so much to live for
Charly don't jump the love is coming soon
Charly don't jump, there's someone who needs you

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