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Gedichte » Detail

After the storm

von shockwave

How many words I'd like to say<BR>
And caress her face tenderously<BR>
All I can see are illusions that sway
And slide along the streets of eternity.<BR><BR>

Nights of whisper in heavenly motion<BR>
Neverending dreams that took place in my mind<BR>
From both sides of the river once we longed for
Though always I knew it was just a part of paradise.<BR><BR>

Red roses wither without affection<BR>
Soothing hearts shiver in despair<BR>
Lost Souls in holy global society<BR>
One day in peace, somewhere.<BR><BR>

How transient a precious moment<BR>
What painful sight a broken seashell<BR>
How natural seems the morning after<BR>
But somehow....a bitter sadness strays over my

...and so again I step from the inspiring light into the
For all I know it won't last long<BR>
Again one day appears a guiding star<BR>
Shows me the way to a born new life.

copyright © by shockwave. Die Autorin gab mit der Veröffentlichung auf lesarion kund, dass dieses Werk Ihre eigene Kreation ist.

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