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Last Dance

von shockwave

What fool I am I ignored the serenade.<BR>
What moron I am I looked away.<BR>
Great expectations came up to me but I.... just didn't

How can I forgive myself for being such blind?<BR>
I will end in solitude and keep the secret in my mind.<BR>
One day I will learn to set it free.<BR>
And know what kind of love you brought towards me.<BR><BR>

My guardian angel show me the way<BR>
To find my home somewhere to stay.<BR>
I would love to see you in the moonlight<BR>
To feel the vulcano explode one night.<BR><BR>

I know when to leave so give me the chance<BR>
To take you by your hand for our last dance.<BR>
One step I lead next step I follow<BR>
Enchanting moments and spaces never hollow.<BR><BR>

Thank you for being the wind beneath my wings.<BR>
Thank you for being the raindrops falling down upon my <BR>
face on a hot summer day.<BR>
Thank you for all the dreams I had and wished to <BR>
experience with you.<BR>
Thank you for being able to love you for a while.<BR><BR>

May god or nature bless you in your life.<BR>
May all your dreams come true very fast.<BR>
May your intelligent soul deal with all the avalanches.<BR>
May the dragon and the lioness sleep forever....<BR>
....from now on!

copyright © by shockwave. Die Autorin gab mit der Veröffentlichung auf lesarion kund, dass dieses Werk Ihre eigene Kreation ist.

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