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Forum » Transgender/Intersexuell » Thread

transgender Kinder

24.10.2018 16:21

So, um nicht den Thread mit grauenvollem Titel weiter zu bedienen, können wir hier Mal ein paar Sachen rund um das Thema transgender Kinder sammeln.

Sehr schön ist dieser, allerdings sehr lange, Artikel. Später kommen noch Kinderbücher und Video Links dazu. (Also, wenn ich wieder Zeit habe.)

https://www.scientificame [...] collide/

Die Highlights:

ZitatWhen most people hear about trans children, they are surprised. How could a three-year-old have such a clear sense of gender identity? People frequently compare early-identifying trans children with those who go through phases of believing they are cats or dinosaurs or who have imaginary friends. They use this comparison as evidence that no young child knows his or her identity or what is real or not real. Yet decades of work on gender development suggests these are precisely the ages at which nearly all kids are coming to understand their own and others' gender identities.


When I began the TransYouth Project in 2013, I wanted to understand whether, when and why young people such as Sarah do and do not behave like their peers in terms of their early gender development. The TransYouth Project is an ongoing study of hundreds of transgender and gender-nonconforming children. We focus on kids in the U.S. and Canada who are three to 12 years old when they begin the study, and we plan to follow them for 20 years.

What has been most surprising to me about our findings so far are the myriad ways in which trans kids' early gender development is remarkably similar to that of their peers. That is, children like Sarah look like other girls at every age but nothing like boys on measures of gender identity and preferences. Similarly, transgender boys (children who identify as boys but at birth were considered to be girls) perform like other boys on our tests.


Perhaps the most critical questions about transgender children, however, are about their well-being. Transgender adults and teens who did not go through the early social transition of kids such as Sarah and who were often rejected by peers and even their own families tend to have highly elevated rates of anxiety and depression. Estimates suggest that more than 40 percent of these largely unsupported trans teens and adults will attempt suicide. Many families like Sarah's report that these heartbreaking statistics are why they supported their children's early transitions.

My colleagues and I are finding—both in reports from parents and from kids themselves—that trans youth who make the social transition at a young age are doing remarkably well.

Im Artikel geht es auch ganz kurz um non-binary und dass natürlich nicht jedes Kind, das gender stereotype ablehnt, transgender ist.


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