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Forum » Literatur, Kunst & Philosophie » Thread


17.01.2021 15:05


... unfortunately there are
toxic basic beliefs like
there just has to be romance,
a partner to complete you
(feeling empowered not through
independence but making
romance + relationships
one's central mental focus)
clinging to some fictional
concept of intimacy,
waiting your entire life
for that special someone to
sweep you off your feet, leading
up to some kind of perfect
"happily ever after",
following an utterly
specific trajectory,
for until that happened you
could not be content at all
(as if handing the keys of
one's happiness over to
some dream person that may or
may not materialize
was the most natural action
that one could ever perform)
thus prevented from feeling
in any kind of control
of your own destiny +
(while trying so hard to mold
your personality to
fit into that framework of
the "hunter vs. prey -game",
one seemingly had to play
in an attempt to win love,
by pretending to become
an allusive, yet aloof,
stunning creature of myst'ry)
finding that you're still waiting,
like, for your "REAL LIFE" to start,
you just face another day...


editiert am 17.01.2021 19:21 melden


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