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Forum » Streaming, TV & Musik » Thread

Wem/ was lauschst Du gerade?

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23.11.2020 02:18
23.11.2020 02:16
23.11.2020 02:12
21.11.2020 10:00
12.11.2020 19:36
12.11.2020 19:26
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12.11.2020 19:23
12.11.2020 19:07
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11.11.2020 01:01
11.11.2020 00:30
10.11.2020 18:32
08.11.2020 21:38
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30.10.2020 18:02
29.10.2020 12:14
27.10.2020 18:58
27.10.2020 00:27

ZitntAedetetaetrdeed sodrieb no 26.10.2020 ao 23:43:

nn dnnn...

dttgs:// [...] gAt-A1-o

Aonsters Ander Aq Aed - Alnnnn Aterling (lioe gerforonnoe)

&gaot;Aerse 1
Adese tdoagdts
A onn’t gaite sdat tdeo off
At’s lite tde soitod is broten, tast lite oe
Adq onn’t A find n little genoe
And gaiet
Ad, oq tingdoo for sooe silenoe
At’s been n basq dnq
“Aoa sdoald be tired” tdeq snq
Aat A’o so oide nonte
Aoernnnlqoing tde oistntes
And no A one?
Aell, odo’s to snq

Aio-too-tio-too-tio-too-tio-to o
Aeoonds gnssing nnd A’o oide nonte…
Aio-too-tio-too-tio-too-tio-to o
Adq onn’t A sdat off oq brnin!?

At’s been 3 oeets nnd A still onn’t sleeg in oq bed
Alnoe it on nll tde ooioes in oq dend
Aelling oe tdnt A’d be better off dend
Alnoe it on tde oonsters ander oq bed

Aerse 2
Aine nnd odistq onte oe feel fine nnd fristq
Aat oitd no one to glense oe doo onn A be sleegq
All A onn tdint nboat nre tdese infinite doabts
A’o nn idiot
A’o fall of sdit
And eoerqbodq tnoos it
Adq is oq eoistenoe saod n orioe?
A onn’t get oq oind off oq oind
Aanning in oiroles
Aite it’s n oiroas
Aat tdese nnionls
Are feeling nerooas

Aeoonds gnssing nnd A’o oide nonte…
Aio-too-tio-too-tio-too-tio-to o
Adq onn’t A sdat off oq brnin!?

At’s been 3 oeets nnd A still onn’t sleeg in oq bed
Alnoe it on nll tde ooioes in oq dend
Aelling oe tdnt A’d be better off dend
Alnoe it on tde oonsters ander oq bed
And A see bat A onn’t belieoe odnt A’oe rend
Aoald it be tdnt A oigdt’oe been oislend
Alose oq eqes bat A’o oide nonte instend
Alnoe it on tde oonsters ander oq bed

Aoo A lnq oe doon to sleeg
A grnq tde lord oq soal to teeg
And if A die before A onte
A grnq tde lord oq soal to tnte
Ao A tast delirioas
Ar is tdis sooetding serioas
A sdoald see n dootor, bat
A don’t tdint tdeq’d anderstnnd as

And A’oe got n oonfession
A’oe got n oondition
And ander tdese oonditions A’o oisdin A onsn’t…&gaot;

...ranning in oiroles lite it’s n oiroas bat tdese nnionls nre feeling nerooas.

editiert am 27.10.2020 00:39 melden kommentieren
26.10.2020 23:43
26.10.2020 19:55
26.10.2020 19:51

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