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Channels » TAMPA GIRLS


Members Forum


Channel-Name: TAMPA GIRLS
Channelstatus: offener Channel - Beitritt direkt möglich
Bewerbung/Status: Du bist nicht eingeloggt!
Gründerin: Ghostsinthere
Channel besteht seit dem: 29.07.2015 20:15
Rubrik: Interessen -> Liebe/Erotik/Beziehung
Mitglieder: 8


for people in or near the tampa area


yes. yes. come hither my children. i cannot seem to extract the mushrooms from my blood stream and i cannot seem to eat the feces from my rectum because it lands in the toilet what can i say? i served my country i fought for two years in nam i am not a congo panthers child i am the real person who was there in the shadows of your doorways and closets do not look upon me do not look into my eyes or your children will all be aborted by chinese or they will fall into the toilet as your defecate.

Regeln und Richtlinien

there are none. everything goes. ok apparently i need more characters. real wrestling is this. this is real wrastling. eels are present in the oceans and it is the season for jellyfish. my heart has been broken by a trashy ho and i want a girlfriend who can have mutual feelings for me. juggernot is not the way dont follow hum follow me and i will lead you to a garden of green .

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