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Gedichte » Detail


von schneepferdchen

Many things there on my mind
The crying child deep inside me
She knows the pain
Can't remember what happiness feels like

But see me laughin'
Hear me, pretending happiness
The flower of love is growing
Growing on to creep around my heart
to crush my soul

A fire is burning inside me
hollowing out myself
All that's left
a doll bind to the rules

But see me laughin'
Hear me, pretending happiness
The flower of love is growing
Growing on to creep around my heart
to crush my soul

But all you do
you can't even get me
'cause "me" doesn't exist
But all you try
there's no way of gettin' me down
'cause "me" is just a hollowed doll

But see me laughin'
Hear me, pretending happiness
The flower of love is growing
Growing on to creep around my heart
to crush my soul

copyright © by schneepferdchen. Die Autorin gab mit der Veröffentlichung auf lesarion kund, dass dieses Werk Ihre eigene Kreation ist.

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