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Gedichte » Detail

For a Time

von Witch75

For a Time

I`ve gone upstairs into my darkness
I`ve seen every Part
The pain
The scream
The angry
The hole darkness
The hole extrem exstacy

It was the Moment
This little few Moment

Inbetween without any light
I understood

All Times in my Live
Was Part of my own Game
What ever happend
Would also build by me


I am the only Person
That matters vor my Livetime I realy understood
I realy understood
What it means

I woke up
I turned arround

I walked Stepp by step back into the Sun
Back into the Light

And now
Here i stand
Friendly with myself
Feeling free

I new there was the next step waiting
I i new what cames
I feel it would`t also easy


I wasn`t angry
This time

I smile
I love myself in all
My Parts

And new
That I can do it again

Sometimes you have to lose everything to win yourself

copyright © by Witch75. Die Autorin gab mit der Veröffentlichung auf lesarion kund, dass dieses Werk Ihre eigene Kreation ist.

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