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von coffeeteamilk

can´t believe
another day , another year is passing by
maybe i should take your hand and kiss you my sun
you don´t understand what I mean?
take a look around and you will see
but I don´t
I will miss you
but I don´t
the earth turns round the sun
the moon circles round the earth
time won´t wait for us
I don´t know why i talk to you this way
why I tell you stories of my life
how I can feel so close to you
just like we know since years
I `m like I am
you are like you are
And you look at me just
as you know what I mean
so take a look around and see
your hand in my hand
and we know that I can´t explain
maybe I should kiss you my sun
but I don´t
I will miss you
but I don´t
the earth is turning round the sun
and the moon circles round the earth
I will try to explain
a little later
I will try a little later

copyright © by coffeeteamilk. Die Autorin gab mit der Veröffentlichung auf lesarion kund, dass dieses Werk Ihre eigene Kreation ist.

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