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Love me....

von DelaMuerte

Don't leave me alone
Naked to the bone
Please hold me tight
All through the night
My heart is weak
For love it does seak
Please give it to me
I beg you please!

Love me, just love me deep...

I've waited for this
You're touch I did miss
Making me long for it
Wanting it, I admit
I have missed you
And longed to kiss you
Felt things I've never felt
In you're arms I do melt!

Love me, just love me deep...

When I feel you're touch
I do want you so much
Want to feel you inside
With an emotion tide
Coming in over me
Killing me thoroughly
With the softness as such
I love you so much!

copyright © by DelaMuerte. Die Autorin gab mit der Veröffentlichung auf lesarion kund, dass dieses Werk Ihre eigene Kreation ist.

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