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The look in your eyes
everytime you look at me
makes me confused.
The sound of your voice
everytime you talk to me
is as clear as crystal.
I love to hear you sing.
I love to be with you.
Trying to get my thoughts straight - every night.
Fighting my fears - every second.
Wishing to be as courageous and strong as you are - everytime I think about you.
Doubting if I do the right thing - even if I dont to anything at all.
There is no perfect path for me.
There is no perfect right decision.
There is no perfect tolerance in this world.
Sitting and listening to you
makes my world stop spinning.
Looking at you
makes me feel at home.
I cant please everybody at the same time.
I start beginning to know that.
I am fascinated by your eyes.
I am happy to be with you.
I am