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von littledevilm

imagine this scene:
in front of you there stands a girl and you want this girl
she takes your hand and you take her hand
what do you do to make it true?
you know she loves you like you do, you could pray to God to take care of you
because you know you fell in love - and your knees are feelin', too
you're standin' there, you cannot move, your heart stands still----and then it beats without a break - 's that what it takes?!
you wanna speak but your tongue refuse' and you think of what you start to lose:
you lose control of your body
you lose control of your mind
but you're losin' fear and you got it,
the luck you wanted to find

you told yourself you were an idiot while you two were standin' there
because you wanted to kiss her but you didn't try
what's that shit, huh?
oh man, what if you had tried while she took a look in your eyes? so full of love and so softly
as if she's sayin' "please, kiss me"
you would do now? now it's too late!
the scene is over, no more hands
perhaps you need a second chance
you gotta wait, 'though you hate!


copyright © by littledevilm. Die Autorin gab mit der Veröffentlichung auf lesarion kund, dass dieses Werk Ihre eigene Kreation ist.

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