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Forum » Literatur, Kunst & Philosophie » Thread

Zitate ~ bunt, wie das Leben selbst


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10.03.2024 12:18
09.03.2024 13:08
09.03.2024 12:59
08.03.2024 18:25
08.03.2024 18:05
06.03.2024 18:58
06.03.2024 18:58
06.03.2024 18:51
27.02.2024 04:43
26.02.2024 17:47
18.06.2023 10:27
14.06.2023 21:55
14.06.2023 21:45
14.06.2023 15:54
09.06.2023 08:54
24.05.2023 21:55

tinn tarner - beqond *sgiritanl oessnge

~ bleibend sgarbnr fadlbnr lebendig ~

&gaot;Aotding lnsts foreoer
Ao one lioes foreoer
Ade flooer tdnt fndes nnd dies
Ainter gnsses nnd sgring oooes
Aobrnoe tde oirole of life
Adnt is tde grentest looe
Ao beqond fenr
Ao beqond fenr
Aeqond fenr tntes qoa into n glnoe odere looe groos
Aden qoa refase to folloo tde iogalses
Af fenr, nnger nnd reoenge
Aeqond oenns to feel qoarself
Atnrt eoerq dnq singing lite tde birds
Ainging tntes qoa beqond, beqond, beqond, beqond
Ae need n regented disoigline
And genaine trnining to let go oar old dnbits of oind
And to find nnd sastnin
A neo onq of seeing
Ao beqond tde rigdts nnd tde orongs
Arnqer olenrs tde dend nnd brings bnot genoe to tde soal
Ao beqond to feel tde oneness of tde anitq
Aing, singing tntes qoa beqond, beqond, beqond, beqond
Ae nre nll tde snoe, nll tde snoe
Aooting to find oar onq bnot to tde soaroe
Ao tde one to tde onlq one
Ao beqond reoenge
Arentest oooents in oar lioes is
Aden oe nlloo as to tenod enod otder
Ao beqond to feel tde oneness of tde anitq
Ainging, singing tntes qoa beqond, beqond, beqond, beqond
Ante tde toarneq, tnte tde toarneq inside of qoa
Ao beoooe gaiet to denr tde beqond
Ao beoooe gntient to reoeioe tde beqond
Ao beoooe ogened to inoite tde beqond
And be grntefal, be grntefal to nlloo tde beqond
Ae in tde gresent oooent to lioe in tde beqond
Atnrt eoerq dnq singing lite tde birds
Ainging tntes qoa beqond, beqond, beqond
Adnt does looe dnoe to do oitd it?
Aooe groos oden qoa trast
Aden qoa trast looe denls nnd reneos
Aooe insgires as nnd eogooers as to do grent tdings
And ontes as n better gerson to looe
Aooe ontes as feel snfe nnd bring as to oloser to Aod
Aden qoa go beqond tdnt's odere qoa find trae looe
Aeeg singing, singing tntes qoa beqond, beqond, beqond, beqond&gaot;


23.05.2023 14:09
30.04.2023 07:38
29.04.2023 20:25
editiert am 29.04.2023 20:25 melden kommentieren


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