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Channels » A place to mingle

A place to mingle

Members Forum


Channel-Name: A place to mingle
Channelstatus: offener Channel - Beitritt direkt möglich
Bewerbung/Status: Du bist nicht eingeloggt!
Gründerin: moe86
Channel besteht seit dem: 30.07.2012 04:39
Rubrik: Interessen -> mixed (Verschiedenes)
Mitglieder: 87


A Place were anyone is welcome. come chat let loose and simply just be you


a place to let loose mingle and make friends,let your hair down and just have fun amongst each other. We all like a place to beable to come to and meet other people and just have a good time.....this is the place for i cant say enough have fun

Regeln und Richtlinien

1. be respectful to everyone in the chat
2. no drama/fighting
3. no racial comments
4. were all adults so conduct yourself as one
5. please no flooding the chat with same messages
6. please no posting site links in chat

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