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Gedichte » Detail

The fighter who wasn´t serious

von Haruka

I sweared
I will trust no one
There has been too much hurt
Never want to sit in
This deep dark hole again
You knew the old story
Started to fight
To get me
I didn’t want the relationship
You didn’t give up

I started to thought
She must mean it seriously
Began to believe in you
Until love grows
The hole was forgotten
And then
When I really learned
To love you
You said
It’s over

All things you’ve told me
Again and again
That I only can believe
You only meant in this moment
I thought
You’ve meant them
For much more time
Why did you do that to me
You send me back
In this hole
Deeper than I was before
For what?

So tell me
How should I believe
Anyone else
My words were meant
For eternity
So why did you make me
If you knew
That you didn’t know
What you really want

copyright © by Haruka. Die Autorin gab mit der Veröffentlichung auf lesarion kund, dass dieses Werk Ihre eigene Kreation ist.

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